COMET Club update
10th August 2020
1. Player registrations
- The player registration window for the 2020/21 season is now open and the FAW’s Player Registration department are processing the registrations in the order in which they have been submitted by Clubs.
- If there is a problem with the registration you have submitted, you will be contacted in due course and notified of the issue that needs to be addressed.
- If you are waiting to hear back on the status of player registrations you have already submitted, we would kindly ask that you refrain from contacting the FAW at this time and wait until the registration has either been confirmed or has been rejected.
- Please also remember the following:
o As soon as a player’s registration has been confirmed for the 2020/21 season, the relevant charge (£10 – Adult; £5 – Juniors) will appear in your Club’s MyComet account and you will have 7 days to pay the fee. The fee can be paid by selecting Player Membership Fees and then Unpaid on the MyComet home page.
If you owe money relating to a 2019/20 season player registration fee, then this can be paid by selecting Monetary Sanctions and then Unpaid on the MyComet home page. Any player with an unpaid player registration fee relating to the 2019/2020 season will not be eligible for selection until the outstanding debt has been paid.
2. Coach registration
- ALL coaches and staff involved in Welsh football must register on COMET ahead of the start of the 2020/21 season.
- To date 8,000 coach and staff registrations have been confirmed on COMET for the 2020/21 season.
- Please remember that only coaches and staff with registrations at status CONFIRMED:
o can be added to team sheets,
o are covered by the FAW’s Personal Accident insurance scheme; and
o can be included in the Club Accreditation Application (the window will open on 17th August – please see point 5. below)
- There are still a number of clubs that have yet to start the process of registering their coaches and staff, and with time now fast running out, we would be grateful if these clubs could address this as soon as possible.
- There are also over 2,000 coach and staff registration still at status ENTERED. Please note that these coaches and staff are not currently registered.
- Once a club has received the signed registration form back from the coach, then they should immediately upload the signed form onto the coach’s COMET profile and move the status of the registration from ENTERED to SUBMITTED, so that it can be reviewed by FAW.
- We would, therefore, be grateful if all clubs could check the status of their coach and staff registrations and if any remain at status ENTERED, then please arrange to undertake the necessary actions to move these to SUBMITTED as soon as possible.
3. Officials registrations
- All Club officials must be registered on COMET ahead of the start of the 2020/21 season
- Clubs can self-approve the registrations of their officials and there is no need for FAW to be involved
- To date 3,400 officials have been confirmed on COMET
- Please remember that only officials with registrations at status CONFIRMED:
o are covered by the FAW’s Personal Accident insurance scheme.
o can be included in a Club Accreditation application (the window will open on 17th August – please see point 5. below); and
o will be given continued access to the COMET System after the start of the 2020/21 season.
- There are still a number of clubs that have yet to start the process of registering their officials and with time now fast running out, we would therefore be grateful if these clubs could address this as soon as possible.
- There are also currently over 500 officials registrations still at status ENTERED. Please note that these officials are not currently registered.
- Once a club has received the signed registration form back from the official, then this should be uploaded onto the person’s COMET profile and the club can then move the registration status from ENTERED to CONFIRMED.
4. Recording a person’s ethnicity on their COMET profile
The Football Association of Wales and the FAW Trust are committed to making football accessible to all. This will be accomplished by upholding the principles of equality in all aspects of Welsh football.
As part of our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and accreditation to the Equality Standard for Sport, we are required to collect various equality data on members of the Welsh football family and have recently added a new Ethnicity data field on COMET, which you will now need to complete in relation to all of your registered players, coaches, staff and officials.
We audit and monitor our practices and programs regularly to ensure we are taking appropriate actions to ensure football is accessible for everyone, everywhere in Wales. Please note that information obtained will only be used to assess any specific needs and monitor progress made in Wales through our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion work.
In order to select the Ethnicity of each of your registered players, coaches, staff, and officials, please action the following:
o Go onto the person’s COMET profile and click on Edit o Then select Ethnicity and then choose the person’s ethnicity from the drop-down option
o Then click Save
5. Club accreditation
- As per previous communication, the Club Accreditation process for the 2020/21 season will be entirely managed via COMET. Clubs will submit their applications via COMET and the FAW will review the application and provide feedback via COMET as well.
- From Monday 17th August 2020, the FAW will start creating and sending out the Club Accreditation application forms to all junior clubs. The process to complete and submit your application via COMET is quick and straightforward (the system prepares the application based on the details that are registered on COMET in relation to your club).
- The Club Accreditation user guide is now available for clubs to review ahead of the window opening -
- Clubs can only submit their club accreditation application once and should therefore only do so once they have ALL of their coaches, staff, and officials registered on COMET.
- Clubs that correctly submit their club accreditation applications by no later than Monday 31st August 2020 will be eligible for free training equipment.
The value of the training equipment will depend on the club accreditation grading awarded in relation to the 2020/21 season e.g. platinum level clubs will receive more kit and equipment than gold level clubs, gold level clubs will receive more kit and equipment than silver level clubs and so on.
- The deadline for submitting all 2020/21 season club accreditation applications will be Friday 18th September 2020.
- A more detailed note on the 2020/21 season club accreditation process will be sent out later this week.
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