The overriding objective of the COMET System is to modernise Welsh football and to eliminate any unnecessary processes.
Prior to the implementation of the COMET System, all players were required to re-register at the start of every season, even if they were remaining with the same club. This time-consuming process resulted in clubs and players having to complete paper registration forms, which then needed to be manually entered onto a computer system by league registration secretaries.
In line with our COMET System objective, we introduced a continuous registration process for all amateur players, which now means that a player remains registered to the same club, until such time as he/she retires, or transfers to another club.
Over recent weeks, we asked clubs to terminate the registrations
of any players that hadn't committed to returning to their club for the 2020/21 season, and if this was actioned prior to midnight on Monday 31st August 2020 the club would then avoid being charged a player registration fee for these players for the 2020/21 season.
Over 15,000 player registrations were terminated by clubs prior to midnight on Monday 31st August 2020 and the FAW COMET Team would like to thank everyone for their assistance with this matter.
Last Tuesday 1st September 2020 the registrations of the 64,000 players that decided to remain registered to their existing club, were automatically re-confirmed on COMET for the 2020/21 season, without the need for any players, clubs, or FAW having to perform any manual work.
As previously communicated, a club now has 7 days from the date of the player’s registration, to pay the registration fees to the FAW. During the past week, over 50% of the 64,000 registrations automatically re-confirmed on COMET have already been paid (by 350 different clubs) and we are very grateful for everyone’s assistance and co-operation with this matter.
Finally, we would like to draw your attention to the player registration fees that have yet to be paid, since the 7 day deadline ends at midnight this evening.
If you have a player (with a confirmed registration), whose registration fee is not paid by this time, then the player (and the club) will receive a system-generated email overnight, informing him/her that since the registration fee remains unpaid, the player is no longer eligible for selection until such time as the payment has been made by the Club. Please note that if you make the payment this evening, these emails will not be triggered by the system.
We would like to thank you for your continued co-operation which is very much appreciated by the FAW COMET Team.
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