Preparing For The 2024/25 Season

By League Admin

ASeason 2024/25

We hope you are well! As we near the end of the 23/24 season, we wanted to update you with a few key messages going into the 24/25 season.

Player Registrations

Player registrations will rollover on May 31st. This means all CONFIRMED players will move to the APPROVED status on COMET as of June 1st. As a reminder, this has been done to ensure all players in Wales start the 24/25 season on 0 clubs to help when it comes to FIFA’s rule of only being able to sign for 3 clubs in a season and play for 2 of them.
This does not mean your club has to pay for all players as of June 1st. As a club you can simply pay for any players that are definitely remaining for the 24/25 season as of June 1st and if you aren’t sure about a player, or if a player is not returning, you can simply ignore this fee or cancel the registration record accordingly. There is no risk of the club being charged for players that will not be remaining with the club.
Registration date for the season are now confirmed, and can be seen on the attached document.
All players in the U16 age group will automatically terminate on May 31st and will need to re-register. This is because they will now need to sign the form for themselves as opposed to their Parent/Guardian signing on their behalf, as they move into Youth and/or Adult football.

Coach Registrations

Coach registrations will rollover on 31st May.
Any coaches that have missing or expired qualifications will be terminated as of this date.
We are pleased to confirm that for the 24/25 season, Coach age groups for junior coaches WILL automatically move up by one age group. Please note, this will not be happening immediately as of June 1st. It will be over the coming weeks and we will update further once this has been actioned.

Entering Competitions

Competitions on COMET will start to appear as of June 1st and can be entered from this date.
If you cannot find the competition you are looking to enter, please remain patient as we wait to hear back from your competition organisers responsible for setting Competition dates and prices for the coming season. Expect these to be uploaded over the coming weeks.
If by July 1st you still cannot see a competition to enter, please get in touch with the competition organiser or ourselves for an update.
All FAW cup competitions will be live as of June 1st, so keep an eye out for these to make sure you don’t miss the relevant deadlines, which tend to be earlier than regular competitions.


Affiliation to either the FAW or an Area Association will be open as of June 1st.
These can be purchased via MyCOMET, on the ‘store’ section.
This season, you will also be asked if you run a junior section, and to highlight which level of club accreditation you will be aiming for.
If you are a senior only club, please state ‘no’ when asked if you run a junior section and select ‘N/A’ when asked about accreditation.
If you have junior section, please state ‘yes’ when asked if you run a junior section and select the level of accreditation you are looking to achieve.
For assistance on how to complete the affiliation process, please see the guide here -


Referee registrations will rollover as of 31st of May.
From June 1st, you will be able to purchase your membership fee for the 24/25 season.
This can be found within MyCOMET.
A guide on how to do this can be found here -–-what-do-i-do-

We hope you have a had a great season, and if you have any queries about the above, please contact the Football Services Team by visiting or via


The Football Services Centre

Where next?

Preparing For The 2024/25 Season Preparing For The 2024/25 Season

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